mandag den 5. januar 2009

CIA - what i do...

Jeg arbejder jo som professionel madstylist - foodstylist. En af de få fuldtids-madstylister i Danmark. Mange spørger tit om, hvad vi egentlig laver. Jeg har fundet en definition hos CIA - Culinary Institute of America. Og den passer vist ganske fint. Sikke en moderne og dekadent verden vi lever i - når der er plads til sådan nogle som os...

Food stylists are the creative professionals who make food "camera-ready." They artfully prepare and arrange food with appropriate props (plates, silverware, and accessories) for still or video photography. It's their job to ensure that the food and its presentation are appetizing, technically correct, and visually appealing. You'll find food stylists working for magazines, newspapers, corporations, cookbooks, catalogs, television, and movies either on staff or as free-lancers. In this career, you need to be artistic, precise, patient, and versatile.

4 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...

That was clear ! Happy new year!

Jakob Kristian Sørensen sagde ...

Yes isn't it? HAPPY NEW YEAR to you aswell! Work on the book is in progress - i will mail you some photosamples at some point!


Unknown sagde ...

. . uhhhm - versatile . . .


Jakob Kristian Sørensen sagde ...

Prrrraaagtfuldt ord! Fandt et 'eksempel med tilsvarende betydning': His vast and versatile erudition.

WOW! Hvem der bare havde så'n en vast og versatile erudition!